Te Pūkenga Ākonga (Learner) Counselling Referral Form

To make a self-referral to our counselling service, just fill out the form below. Your request will be processed the following business day.
For urgent requests please call 0508 664 981. If this is an emergency, please call 111.

Please be assured that the information you give is confidential to Vitae.

To review the profiles of Vitae's Counsellor team, please click here

All Ākonga Counselling is offered by Telephone or Web App (eg. Facetime or Zoom).  Once your personal details are processed, you will be contacted by a clinician who will organise an appointment time and you will receive a text confirmation of this.

Please note that if you cancel or miss an appointment with less than 24 hours notice, you will loose the entitlement to that session.

By submitting this form, you are consenting for Vitae to verify that you are a current learner.

 By phone
 About study issues
 Combination study/personal