Supervision is for those roles where it is known that the nature of work is challenging and high “people contact” jobs often have high levels of responsibility and at times, stress. Professional supervision/Mentoring can help reduce that stress and its impact by providing professional development and support.
Professional Supervision/Mentoring is not ‘line management “supervision”. Interaction with a professional supervisor/mentor provides emotional support and professional assistance that can help minimize the stress that professionals may experience from their job.
Professional supervision/mentoring can be accessed at a frequency that suits the individual or organization and, if not compulsory, staff are encouraged to attend sessions as part of their professional development.
All Vitae Supervisors have at least 5 years of supervised experience after completing a tertiary qualification. Vitae carefully selects supervisors to meet the diverse range of people who are in NZ workplaces today.
To learn more about Vitae's Supervision/Mentoring services, please contact us